Monday, June 4, 2012

Latest Scientific Discoveries of 2012 Check out the Latest Scientific Discoveries of 2012!
Many fail to recognize the scientific discoveries made during the year. In 2012 alone, scientists have made thousands of discoveries. The top 10 scientific discoveries are highlighted in the article above. Did you know that yawning is contagious and can kill? That is one of the very unique scientific discoveries discovered. What are some scientific discoveries that have been made known in 2012 that you know of?
Scientific American

 Check out the article linked above! 
Rewarding Research: Top Scientists Share $3-Million in Kavli Prizes
In the article,"Rewarding Research: Top Scientists Share $3-Million in Kavli Prizes" a prestigious award is rewarded to seven major researchers to recognize their  contributions to nanoscience, neuroscience and astrophysics.Three million dollars is given in Kavli Prizes to the scientists to share which is an enormous amount of money! What would you do with 3 million dollars? If you were a scientist, would you use the money to invest in more studies or take the money and go?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Latest Scientific Discoveries of 2012
 Check out the Latest Scientific Discoveries of 2012!
Many fail to recognize the scientific discoveries made during the year. In 2012 alone, scientists have made thousands of discoveries. The top 10 scientific discoveries are highlighted in the article above. Did you know that yawning is contagious and can kill? That is one of the very unique scientific discoveries discovered. What are some scientific discoveries that have been made known in 2012 that you know of?

Scientific American

 Check out the article linked above! 
Rewarding Research: Top Scientists Share $3-Million in Kavli Prizes
In the article,"Rewarding Research: Top Scientists Share $3-Million in Kavli Prizes" a prestigious award is rewarded to seven major researchers to recognize their  contributions to nanoscience, neuroscience and astrophysics.Three million dollars is given in Kavli Prizes to the scientists to share which is an enormous amount of money! What would you do with 3 million dollars? If you were a scientist, would you use the money to invest in more studies or take the money and go?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Curtis Journalism: why are blogs important?

Curtis Journalism: why are blogs important?: This is the statement on the global voices website--- Global Voices seeks to aggregate, curate, and amplify the global conversation online -...Blogs are important because they help shine the light on places all around the world that other media may ignore. Voices and opinions have the opportunity to be heard because of blogs.